The schedule for ICNAP XII: Methodology in Interdisciplinary Phenomenology is available.
The schedule is offered below; it is best viewed on computer screen rather than mobile device.
Wednesday, June 9th
8:30am EST Conference Start
[All times are EST; for help with time zone conversions see:]
Time |
Session info and Zoom links |
8:30-9:00am |
Zoom Room 1: Conference Welcome & Introduction
- Jim Morley, President, ICNAP
(there will be a break during the session)
Zoom Room 1: Featured Husserliana Speaker Session
- Dan Zahavi, Phenomenology in Practice: 3 Dangers
- Respondent: Scott D. Churchill
- Respondent: Fred Wertz
- Dan Zahavi: response to the respondents
- Open Q&A
10:45-11:00am – Break |
Zoom Room 1: The Epoché(s) in Phenomenological Psychology
- Michael Barber: Alfred Schutz’s Two Epochés and the Phenomenological Psychological Epoché
- Jim Morley: Interdisciplinary Phenomenological Research – Turning to Merleau-Ponty for Clarity
12:00-12:15pm – Break |
12:15-1:00pm |
Zoom Room 1: Publication Session
Essentials of Existential Phenomenological Research
by Scott D. Churchill
- Introduction: Jim Morley
- Author: Scott D. Churchill
- Respondent: Magnus Englander
- Respondent: Marc Applebaum
- Q&A
1:00-2:00pm – Lunch/Dinner Break |
2:00-3:00pm –
Concurrent Sessions 1 |
Zoom Room 1:
Hermeneutics, Phenomenology and the Sciences
- Eddo Evink: Hermeneutical Phenomenology and Scientific Methodology
- Kenton Engel: The Poverty of Eidos: Meaning Making in Human Science Research
Zoom Room 2:
Collaborative Approaches in Phenomenological Psychology
- Claire LeBeau: Thresholds of Experience and Reflection: Embodied Collaborative Research
- Jessie Goicoechea: Applied Phenomenological Psychology in the Context of Collaborative, Therapeutic Assessment
3:00pm-3:15pm – Break |
3:15-4:15pm –
Concurrent Sessions 2
Zoom Room 1:
Rethinking Phenomenological Methodology
- Tone Roald: Implicit and Explicit Generalization in Qualitative Research
- Alessio Rotundo: The Phenomenological Method as Non-Philosophy and Speculation
Zoom Room 2:
Love, Ethics and Religion
- Lauren Lovestone: A Queer Science: A Steinian Phenomenologist’s Reorientation of Religious Studies
4:15-4:30pm – Break |
4:30-5:30pm |
Zoom Room 1: Workshop for students and/or those new to the field
Key Concepts in Phenomenology
- Facilitator: Jim Morley
- Facilitator: Athena Colman
Thursday, June 10th, 8:30am EST Conference Resumes
[All times are EST; for help with time zone conversions see:]
Time |
Session info and Zoom links |
8:30-9:00am |
Zoom Room 1: Welcome to Day 2
- Jim Morley, President, ICNAP
9:00-10:15am –
Concurrent Sessions 3 |
Zoom Room 1:
Phenomenology for a Cause: Accounts of the Use of Phenomenology in Social Work Research and Practice
- Jennifer Ballard- Kang: Perceived Safety in the Postsecondary Learning Environment: A Phenomenological Study
- Michael “Mookie” Manalili:
Re-storying and Restoring Embodiment”: Narrative Therapy in Dialogue with Hermeneutical Phenomenology
- Tanzilya Oren & Alexei Gorshkov: Rebuilding Lives, Reconciling Multipolar Identities and Building Community: Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis of the Lived-Experience of Recent Russian-Speaking LGBT Immigrants in the U.S.
- Jamie Jones: Conducting Phenomenological Research: One Researcher’s Experience Exploring the Meaning of the Psychotherapy Room
Zoom Room 2:
Phenomenology in Therapeutic Work at the Limits of Emotional and Transliminal Experience
- Garri Hovhannisyan: Varieties of Uncertainty: A Hermeneutic Phenomenology of Emotional Experience in Psychotherapy Process
- Patricia Feise-Mahnkopp: Introspection as Method: Reflections on its Benefit for our Understanding of Transliminal Experiences from a Phenomenological Perspective
10:15-10:30am– Break |
10:30-11:30am –
Concurrent Sessions 4 |
Zoom Room 1:
Phenomenology and Empirical Research: Case Studies
- Evi Agostini: Innsbruck Vignette Research: A Phenomenological Approach to Empirical School Research
- Steen Halling: Reflections on the Relationship Between Empirical Psychological Research and Phenomenological Philosophy: A Case Study Approach
Zoom Room 2:
Recovering Perceptual Life
- Jeffrey McCurry: A New Contribution to Phenomenological Method
- Lawrence Berger: On Bracketing Metaphysical Assumptions
11:30am-12:45pm – Lunch/Dinner Break |
12:45-1:45pm –
Concurrent Sessions 5 |
Zoom Room 1:
Phenomenal Attentiveness, Listening and Empathy
- Idun Røseth: Empathy, Intersubjectivity, and the Observation: Caregiver-Child Interaction
- Ellen Moysan: Describing a Musical Object Phenomenologically: Study of the Inner Song
Zoom Room 2:
Political and Economic Mobilizations of Phenomenology
- Dennis Skocz: Phenomenology and Economic Life: Toward Economics as a Human Science
- Richard Wilson: A Husserlian Interpretation of the Constitution of Meaning of Hate Symbols
1:45pm-2:00pm – Break |
2:00-3:00pm |
Zoom Room 1:
An Introduction to Phenomenologically Grounded Qualitative Research (PGQR)
- Allan Køster
- Anthony Fernandez
3:00-3:15pm – Break |
3:15-3:45pm |
Zoom Room 1:
Concluding Remarks and Information about Next Year at Dusquesne (June 2022) and the year after in Denmark (June 2023)
3:45pm – |
Zoom Room 1:
Virtual Reception |
Zoom Room 1 url:
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